Thursday, March 10, 2016

Lesson 1 Reflection

  1. Instructional Decisions/Teaching (InTask Standard # 9): Discuss the implementation process and describe
    • What went well and what didn't go well during the implementation of your lesson?
      • I really liked how engaged my students were. They were excited to use the web page and they stayed on task for the entire lesson. Unfortunately I used feet instead of meters for my final assessment, and students were confused and wondering weather or not they needed to convert meters to feet to solve for their costs. 
    • How well was the alignment to objectives and standards maintained?
      • I think that my objective was a little vauge. It was moreso an explination of the activites students would be doing, rather than being a description of what they would be learning. 
    • Describe any modifications made during the implementation of the lesson
      • During the lesson I told students that they could use meters instead of feet for their final math equations, and I also had to offer my computer to a student, so that they could jump on right away, and not fall behind.
  2. Mechanics:
    • What technologies did I use (for the teacher and the learner)?
      • My students used the online resource on the pc software of the computers. As a teacher I will only use the computer to look at the screenshots my students took. 
    • How were the technologies used (by whom and in what manner)?
      • Students used the webpage on the computer to build a virtual home which they used to calculate the costs of building their virtual home. 
    • My lesson was within the correct time frame.
      • The lesson was within the correct time frame because students were able to build a basic structure, however they could have used more time to do their actual calculations. 
  3. Assessment of Learning (InTask Standard # 6): Refer to Assessing Student Learning
    • Include at least 2 digital artifacts that demonstrate what you or your students (peers) have created as a result of your lesson

    • Describe your students' level of success in achieving the standards and objectives for your lesson based on your assessment
      • Student's needed more time to finish their math equations, however I believe that if they had the time given to figure out the total costs of building their virtual homes, they would have been successful in achieving the standard and objective in the lesson. 
    • Describe the level of success you had in teaching the lesson
      • How do your individual reflections support this?
        • I think that I was successful in teaching because the lesson encouraged a lot of student motivation because they were creating something that they were able to have fun with. I think I did a good job teaching it because I didn't stand in front of the class and lecture the whole time, I let students spend the whole time playing on their computers. They were never distracted and I was able to walk around and comment and encourage my student's work as necessary. 
      • How do the comments from your classmates support this?
        • On my peer reflection survey someone wrote, "It was great! Fun activity!" You can tell that they were super engaged and they had a good time with the activity. 
  4. What did you learn from designing and teaching this lesson and how will you use this in the creation of future lessons/learning activities.
    • From this lesson I learned that it's really important to choose an activity where students are going to be self motivated! If students have interest and care about what they are working on, then you avoid having to constantly redirect students, and classroom management becomes a breeze!
    • I learned that I really need to look over every aspect of the resources I choose to utilize. It was disappointing  that my student were so confused by weather or not they needed to convert to feet or just leave their measurements as meters. 
    • I also learned that it is very important to be accessible to all students and be constantly walking around to help students where needed. 

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