Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Story Bird

Story Bird is a dynamic website that allows students to work collaboratively on the creation of a book. 
  1. In what learning environments would the technology resource I presented be appropriate?
    • Story Bird would be appropriate at any grade level, due to the fact that literacy is an important skill to work on at any age. Story Bird would be most useful in the English Language domain, however it can cross into other content areas as well. 
  2. In what learning environments would the technology resource I presented NOT be appropriate?
    • Story Bird would probably not be very appropriate for children in Kindergarten, or younger, because their writing skills are not very well developed. In mathematics this tool would probably be less than useful. 
  3. How might it be modified to be appropriate?
    • Unfortunately, Story Bird is set up in templates, so there is not a lot of room for adjustments. However, a young child could work with an adult to create a story together. 
  4. What do you now know that needs to be considered when using technology in the classroom?
    • After research in responsible digital use I realize that Story Bird needs to be monitored by adults. Since Story Bird is a collaborative tool, it is important that we teach kids about cyber bullying and keeping our information private if we want to allow the public to view our books. 

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